It is intriguing to note what are viewed as "new religions." Since the nation was established on basically Anglican and Puritan conventions, the sections that later advanced from these gatherings are currently invited. Those gatherings that advanced amid …show more content…
Emerging when the United States was both establishing itself as an independent nation while also attempting to control societal tensions, apocalyptic groups like the Seventh-Day Adventists fought to survive while the dominant denominations condemned their theology.
The evolution of the Branch Davidians shows this rebellious spirit. In the nineteenth century, Victor Houteff founded the Davidian Adventist in California and based its primary teachings on Seventh-Day Adventist beliefs. The Branch Davidians found inspiration through similar teachings in their respective parent churches yet found additional inspiration in the Book of Revelation.
The Davidians believe in a David " reincarnated " known took up arms to defend themselves in Waco Texas. He had a sad ending , and the revivals are bare. However, these religious group is considerate as a dangerous one and a majority of americans do not share their same ideology. Impressively, there is still people that believe that Koresh was God. They claim that Koresh was God incarnate, then they go out to eat or to do