It has been said that “You are either street smart or book smart, but you can’t be both.” As a young adult I find that statement to be …show more content…
40% is a HUGE number. It is surprising to read that so many universities allow this. For student to not understand the issue of grade inflation is reasonable, we are young and naïve. But for big universities to sit back and inflate grade know the outcome that these students will not be prepared in the future is mind blowing. “Some have argued that these inflated grades are necessary to help students get ahead in a competitive job market. While that might be true for an individual professor or university, at the national level grade inflation is a negative-sum game that imposes serious costs on society.” …show more content…
someone who complained their way through college. This also makes it very unfair to the students who do work hard to get to where they are. Not to mention the trouble those students will eventually hit when they do have a job a wished they learned what they were supposed to learn in college. The universities in this country need to stop grade inflation before it becomes too out of control. It is necessary to keep grade inflation under control and minimize it as much a possible before it gets far worse, even those some students and professors will not be too keen on this. This is crucial in order to keep our education systems’