(2010) as a necessary process in developing human-being body. It begins in foetus’ development then continues in boyhood and adolescence because of the growth of skeleton (Schulze et al., 2010). Otherwise, bone remodeling is seen as “life-long” process, involving in “resorption” (the old bone’s “breaking down”) and “ossification” (new bone’s forming) and is a core to shape and repair the skeleton and fractures of bone respectively. In bone, osteocytes, osteoblasts and osteoclasts are three different kinds of cell that have responsibilities of maintaining, producing and resorpting the bone. In terms of osteoblasts, the “mono-nucleated bone formation” cells are seen close to the bones’ surface with responsibility of osteoid-making that includes collagen primarily (Schulze et al. 2010). Afterwards, the secretion of osteoblasts happens in “alkaline phosphatase” for the sites’ creation for depositing phosphate and calcium that enables the growth of bone-mineral crystals within such sites and osteoid turns out to be mineralized and leading to bone formation. As for osteocytes, some specific osteoblasts which do not appear on the bone’s surface; yet in lacunae amongst lamellae within the bone, are responsible for homeostasis – keeping the exact levels of mineral and oxygen within bone (Uzbekov et al, 2012). With respects to osteoclasts, the responsibility of multi-nucleated cells is to resorpt the bone; in …show more content…
In specific, bone remodeling involves in 6 following steps
(i) Quiescence is seen as the bone surface’s resting condition. “Lining cells” imply for the “inactive” osteoblasts (ii) Activation: Actually, the osteoclasts will collect on the surface of bone within pits called “Howship’s lacunae” (iii) Resorption: This step occurs when the removal of osteoclasts in “old bone” tissue is carried out through the removal of mineral matrix and collagen fibers’ breaking down (iv) Reversal: For this step, the process of resorption stops and the replacement of osteoclasts are made by osteoblasts (v) Formation: The new bone is laid down by osteoblasts and the osteoblasts initially create collagen matrix named osteoid and afterward make the mineralization of such matrix for new-bone