All Federal department and agency heads are responsible for the identification, prioritization, assessment, remediation, and security of their respective internal critical infrastructure …show more content…
Since 9/11, screening passengers, monitoring manifests and tracking planes have been top priorities for airlines, the Federal Aviation Administration, the Transportation Security Administration and regional port authorities.
Nevertheless, most responding to Information Security's critical infrastructure survey say that their industry/sector is better prepared for cyberattacks than they were prior to 9/11. The optimistic responses make sense, since protecting revenue-producing accesses through measured mechanisms and policies is good for business.
Situation Critical? In his 2003 book Black Ice, Dan Verton paints a frightening scenario in which terrorists launch a broad, coordinated attack using truck bombs to take out key telecom hubs and strategic hacks to disrupt response units' command and control. Using common hacking tools, the terrorists create chaos and successfully leverage the Internet as a force …show more content…
Within 150 days of the date of this directive, the Secretary of Homeland Security, in coordination with the SSAs, other relevant Federal departments and agencies, SLTT entities, and critical infrastructure owners and operators, shall conduct an analysis of the existing public-private partnership model and recommend options for improving the effectiveness of the partnership in both the physical and cyber space. The evaluation shall consider options to streamline processes for collaboration and exchange of information and to minimize duplication of effort. Furthermore, the analysis shall consider how the model can be flexible and adaptable to meet the unique needs of individual sectors while providing a focused, disciplined, and effective approach for the Federal Government to coordinate with the critical infrastructure owners and operators and with SLTT governments. The evaluation shall result in recommendations to enhance partnerships to be approved for implementation through the processes established in the Organization of the National Security Council System