Family therapy could also serve as a beneficial in enhancing for a woman’s healing journey while establishing healthier connections (Walde, Urgenson, Weltz & Hanna, 2002). Additionally, it would be important to remember that women who have substance abuse issues have often experienced some form of trauma whether physically or sexually and that those providing treatment should address issues associated to trauma (Torchalla, et al., 2014). McHugo et al, constructed a study which identified the correlations of substance use associated to historical interpersonal trauma incurred by women. This study shared that trauma informed treatment is imperative to the health and recovery of women stating that a trauma history assessment is essential in any diagnoses or treatment program (McHugo et al,
Family therapy could also serve as a beneficial in enhancing for a woman’s healing journey while establishing healthier connections (Walde, Urgenson, Weltz & Hanna, 2002). Additionally, it would be important to remember that women who have substance abuse issues have often experienced some form of trauma whether physically or sexually and that those providing treatment should address issues associated to trauma (Torchalla, et al., 2014). McHugo et al, constructed a study which identified the correlations of substance use associated to historical interpersonal trauma incurred by women. This study shared that trauma informed treatment is imperative to the health and recovery of women stating that a trauma history assessment is essential in any diagnoses or treatment program (McHugo et al,