A major figure who is and has made a big impact within the public health and social justice field is Bill Gates. Bill is a Harvard University Drop out who became an American business magnate, philanthropist, investor, and computer programmer. Today his worth is 79.2 billion USD. Organizations that Bill is involved with are Microsoft and The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. Bill focuses on what he calls “catalytic philanthropy: investments in innovations that will improve life for the poorest” basically meaning he works to help those who are poor with no help from the government, just all on his own.
The reason Bill Gates has made a big impact within the public health and social justice field is because of the Bill and Melinda …show more content…
The Concept Development phase is they search for ideas that can support the organization strategies. They consult with colleagues, researchers, policymakers, and other associates within the field. They then ultimately decide if the idea is a good fit for the strategy before going on to the next stage. Pre-proposal is the 2nd phase of development, it use a variety of approaches to help refine the idea developed in the first stage. In the Investment Phase is they give the applicants the guidelines for developing a proposal, budget, and framework. Expert then work with the applicant to help incorporate the recommend changes. The proposal is reviewed in various stages that become more complex as goes along with the foundation executive making the final decision. The final phase Management and close occurs during the life span of the investment, the partner works with officer to submit a final report that summarizes the …show more content…
Bill is a very wealthy man and doesn’t need to nor is obligated to help anyone, but he does it anyways. He raises money along with spends millions of his own to help people in lesser developed countries. He also accepts the face that some of the projects that he funds may not be a success. He states “because we think an essential role of philanthropy is to make bets on promising solutions that governments and businesses can’t afford to make”. If a project fails they just learn from it and they don’t give up. They adjust their strategies and share what they’ve found with their partners so everyone benefits. Basically they do what they do because they are good people and can. Bill and Melinda are both very optimistic people and believe that whatever they do at least some people are getting