Better Than Human Essay

Improved Essays
As technology continues to advance with every passing minute, it seems as if the idea of robots taking over human jobs, whether it be physical or intellectual, no longer seems too far off from reality. While it currently seems likely that machines are on a path to take over human jobs, many still feel uncomfortable with this becoming their reality. Kevin Kelly in his persuasive essay, “Better than Human: Why Robots Will-and Must-Take Our Jobs, assumes that his audience is anti-machine job takeover, and attempts to persuade his audience through the use of logos.
Kelly heavily relies on logos throughout his essay, it becomes his crutch as there is insufficient amount of strong evidence that prove his claim. Kelly states that a “recurring pattern
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Compared to people, machines make fewer mistakes, save money and work faster with accuracy. “70 percent of today’s occupations will likewise be replaced by automation.” (Kelly 300). Kelly also states that, "This deep automation will touch all jobs, from manual labor to knowledge work" (Kelly 300), including less people being employed in banks, as well as pharmacies where robots now fill in prescriptions, and new software that replaces writers/reporters that generate stories and articles as well as review …show more content…
Which tends to foreshadow the imperfections of humans and how robots are perfected to do things better. Quadrant B describes jobs that humans can not do but robots can. It explains how humans have trouble making one screw, but machinery can perfect that one screw and make thousands more. Quadrant C explains the new jobs created by automation including the jobs that we did not know we wanted done. It illustrates how intellect and advanced technology is these days and how it can progress the human race towards the future discovering new cures for diseases, as well as further advancing exploration in uncharted territories. These three quadrants bring back the main purpose of machinery replacing humans. On the other hand D quadrant explains the jobs that only humans can do at first. It clarifies how automation does our most basic work, meanwhile extends average human lifespan. An interesting question Kelly makes is, "What are humans for?" (Kelly 309). The definition of life is the quality that distinguishes a vital and functional being from a dead body. Kelly not only makes this assumption, but also claims not working competitively against automation, but working with them.
To sum it up, the idea of robots taking over human jobs, whether it be physical or intellectual, no longer seems too far off from reality. Automation, compared to humans make fewer mistakes, save money and work

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