The rate of diffusion is measured through the absorbance values. In order to get the absorbance values, the betacyanin pigments must be in the 60% detergent solution, which will absorb the light. Lower amounts of betacyanin pigments in the solution will have lower absorption values. The higher the concentration of betacyanin pigments, would lead to higher amounts of molecules in the solution, which can absorb more photons resulting to higher absorbance values. At absorbance of 2.5nm, the molecules of betacyanin pigments are equally dispersed throughout the solutions, which shows that diffusion has reached …show more content…
Contribution factors that make all lines a deceleration curve is due to the change of variables of time and absorbance. In the beginning time frame the velocity rate of diffusion of pigments is rapidly increasing, towards the midsection of the time frame it starts to slow down and finally levels off. This shows that there is a deceleration velocity because the final velocity is slower than the initial velocity. In figure two all deceleration curves are acceptable because the range of r2 is 0.89-0.99 representing a good fit; therefore, there is no possible errors to explain. In comparison to figure 1, beetroots that were pretreated with low concentration of salts had a faster diffusion rate than beetroots that were pretreated with a high concentration had a slower diffusion rate. In the time interval of 3-9 minutes, the sodium chloride treatment has a scattered absorbance value than potassium chloride, which has no scatter values and fewer gaps. The gaps between the absorbance values of pretreated beets with sodium chloride increase as time passes; however, in potassium chloride there are no gaps between the absorbance values and keeps a consistent rate. Both figure one and two represent the same time frame from 3-30 minutes and same amount of concentration that were use to pretreat beets, the only difference is that potassium had a much power effect on