Baymax is a robotic healthcare companion created by the brother of the main character of the movie, Big Hero 6. Throughout the movie, he demonstrates almost all of the five traits of the Big Five Trait Taxonomy. Baymax would be considered to be high in agreeableness because in the movie, he demonstrates extraordinary care and warmth towards the main character, Hiro. Since Baymax was created to be a healthcare provider, he was programmed to be very responsive to signs of distress, such as hearing the word “ow” and will do whatever he can to make the person feel better. Also, he does not turn off until whoever he is helping says the words “I am satisfied with my care.” Another trait from the Big Five Taxonomy that he is quite high in is the openness to experience trait. Since he is a robot who would literally do anything to make sure a person is satisfied with their healthcare, he would do silly things such
Baymax is a robotic healthcare companion created by the brother of the main character of the movie, Big Hero 6. Throughout the movie, he demonstrates almost all of the five traits of the Big Five Trait Taxonomy. Baymax would be considered to be high in agreeableness because in the movie, he demonstrates extraordinary care and warmth towards the main character, Hiro. Since Baymax was created to be a healthcare provider, he was programmed to be very responsive to signs of distress, such as hearing the word “ow” and will do whatever he can to make the person feel better. Also, he does not turn off until whoever he is helping says the words “I am satisfied with my care.” Another trait from the Big Five Taxonomy that he is quite high in is the openness to experience trait. Since he is a robot who would literally do anything to make sure a person is satisfied with their healthcare, he would do silly things such