The Battalion Chief role will evolve to encompass more leadership styles and adaptability to the variety of personalities and needs of the workforce. The seasoned employees are more conditioned to traditional leadership styles such as participative or transactional leadership while new employees will most likely require a unique style of explaining the mission and what their role will be in the mission. The Battalion Chief will need to be dynamic and adaptable because each person will have different needs and expectations of their leaders and need to provide this knowledge to ensure the success of their Captains. The Battalion Chief needs to be …show more content…
Through collaboration and training, fire departments and other agencies come together to mitigate or solve problems. One of the hot topics in the fire service is cancer prevention. Through the collaboration of organizations such as the National Fallen Firefighters Foundation, the International Association of Firefighters, the Firefighter Cancer Foundation, the International Association of Fire Chiefs, and other groups are working together to raise awareness and the prevention of cancer in firefighters. The issue is far too large and impacts too many lives to be addressed by a single organization. Cancer prevention will require many additional organizations such as turnout manufactures, physicians, politicians, and scientist to provide more expertise to address areas for improvement, new processes, and practices. The joining of all these agencies and organizations forms a coalition that is non-competitive, working towards a common goal through collaboration and open communication. The coalition helps to garner support within each organization because constituents are influenced by the importance the process which will lead them to a change in culture. Until new technology is developed, fire departments must collaborate to identify new low tech approaches to reduce the threat of toxins to firefighters such as utilizing gross …show more content…
The Battalion Chief is usually one of the most tenured members of the organization and their past experiences and knowledge are extremely valuable and need to passed on to other members of the organization to prepare them for the future. The sharing of this information is an informal in-house mentoring process that aids members in the transitioning to higher level positions. Even though a higher position is achieved, the mentoring and training will continue an informal basis for some time, making it an ongoing