His strange behavior became more evident after he passively resisted the request of his boss, which basically entailed that he proofread documents he himself had copied for any errors. Bartleby behaviors from then on were passive resistance, he was passive in the way he communicated and resisted to do work that was expected of him and went on to control the office for sometime with his imbalance behaviors. He was able to control the lawyer his employer in many instances. He stops working altogether and stops living by the normal expectations of society. His behaviors eventually runs the lawyer and his business out of the building because Bartley refused to …show more content…
The lawyer is passive, non-confrontational and is forgiving. Despite some of his workers, poor work patterns, he was very tolerant and even made "excuses" for the poor work patterns. He looked at the good in his employees and worked around that. When it came to Turkey and Nippers he played up their positive attributes and looked for logic on their negative contributions to the office. The lawyer appeared to accept the bare minimum from people, maybe he also didn 't think highly of himself and could have possibly been insecure. He continued to keep Bartleby on his team of workers, even after Bartleby did not want to proofread documents and this proved he was somewhat intimidated my Bartlby and didn 't want to be confrontational.. He ignored the first situation even though he felt that his needs were not being met. Even after all, problems Bartleby caused him, he still went to visit him in jail and wanted to prove his effort to Bartleby, but it could have also been his own guilt and conscious that brought him to the jail to seek Bartley.The lawyer was a very caring man so he could have felt like what could he have done to have prevented Bartleby getting to that point where he was in jailed and still continued to not