These issues are an insight into the construction of each character. Language is one of this issues that show this type of characterization. In chapter one, George said, “So you forgot awready, did you? I gotta tell you again, do I? Jesus Christ, you’re a crazy bastard.” People challenge this book due to the fact that they think the language in the text should not be included. Without this issue of language included in this text, the book would have a different meaning. This use of language shows who the characters are. Another issue that shows characterization is mental disabilities. A lot of people see Lennie’s disabilities as a mockery but it shows George and his friendship. “He’s my…cousin. I told his old lady I’d care for him. He got kicked in the head by a horse when he was a kid. He’s awright. Just ain’t bright. But he can do anything you tell him.” The issue of mental disability in the book is a reason for why it is banned. Many believe that Lennie’s mental disabilities are being taken as a mockery and for that reason, it should not be included in the book. Throughout the book Lennie’s disabilities help show the true friendship between him and George. Without Lennie’s mental disabilities, George and Lennie’s friendship wouldn’t be as important to the book as it is. Their friendship is so special due to the fact that they both care for each other even with their …show more content…
The sexism in this book really shows the time period. Throughout the book the men on the farm see Curly’s wife as a “tart”. “Well, stick around an’ keep your eyes open. You’ll see plenty. She ain’t concealin’ nothing. I’ve never seen nobody like her. She got the eye goin’ all the time on everybody. I bet she even gives the stable buck eye. I don’t know what the hell she want.” People see the issue of sexism as something that should not be included because sexism is wrong; which is true. Sexism is a huge issue that in 2018, society is trying to overcome but back then it was common. Women were seen as a man’s property. This issue is portrayed throughout the book because that was a common issue in that time period. Showing sexism in the book allows an understanding of why and how sexism is a bad thing. Another issue that was portrayed in the book because it was common in that era, is racism. Racism in not okay but in the time period of this book it was. African Americans were treated unfairly due to their skin color. During a scene where Curly’s wife, Crooks, and Lennie were in Crook’s bunk Curly’s wife said, “Well, you keep you place then, N----r. I could get you strung up on a tree so easy it ain’t even funny.” People see racism as an issue for why this book should be banned because racism is a big issue that should not be