Babies Documentary Essay

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An individual’s growth is characterized by various developmental categories including physical appearance, regulation of emotions, cognitive and language abilities. Often the development is thought to be differentiated by the numerous cultures globally yet in the documentary Babies directed by Thomas Balmès illustrates the similarities among all four countries he documents. As one infant (Ponijao) is from Namibia his culture is largely different in comparison to the baby (Hatti) from the United States of America. However, although the socialization differs immensely, the documentary illustrates the similar timeline that all four babies develop (Chabat & Balmès, 2010). Physically it becomes evident of similarities in growth patterns, and the advancement of motor skills. Their cognitive awareness of other objects and people also are ostensibly similar. Emotional and language development also seamlessly advance through their growth in a complemetrary manner. Therefore, the baby, Ponijao, within the documentary Babies demonstrates the standard progression of psychological development in a manner that illustrates the universality of infant development. As a result, the cultural differences that could potentially segregate Ponijao from the primary studies done on children from the Western culture are shown to have little implications on the baby’s development, proving the commonality among all infants. …show more content…
This becomes evident throughout the documentary’s progression as his abdomen elongates, increasing his height considerably (Chabat & Balmès, 2010). It is worth noting that this trend is common amongst all the four babies despite their differences in genetics and cultures. Understandably, there are differences in size as that originates with the infant’s unique genetic code and culture yet it can be concluded that there is a commonality in infant

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