Axial Age By Karl Jaspers: The Great Philosophers

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The term "Axial Age" was introduced by Karl Jaspers and it is a period between 800-200 BCE when foundation bricks to modern civilization laid. In a surprisingly simultaneous manner, many of the great philosophers flourished in different regions of the world, such as Confucius, Buddha, Lao Tzu. That time was also a time of the greatest ancient empires ( Romans, Macedonians, Thracian Empires) which cultivated culture, spread knowledge and tried bold legal frameworks to rule the cities. I see it as if the soil of the world was ready to nurture the seeds of new ideas that will be seeing crazy and groundbreaking at the same time.
They were interested primarily in metaphysics(ultimate constitution of the universe) and cosmogony (origins of the universe). They asked questions like: What is the reality made of? How did the universe begin? Is everything in flux? They constructed fascinating philosophical systems, the questions they posed remain extremely pertinent.
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And the new ideas expanded an understanding of the environment in a rational way.
In a city of Miletus, modern Turkey nowadays, three western philosophers flourished: Thales, Anaximenes, and Anaximander. They all looked for the core substance of the universe, they called "Arche," from Greek it means "ruler", or "source." Thales said "All is water", and Anaximenes believed that primary material is air, and Anaximander argued that Primary Substance is

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