Some of the inmates were tattooed on their left arms with their identification number. …show more content…
This camp was used to house the prisoners and also to conduct the medical experiments that they did on them. Also there is the site of Block 11 which was used to torture people there. There was also the Black Wall which they used for some of the execution. At the entrance of Auschwitz I there was a sign that stated "Arbeit Macht Frei" which means "work makes one free". Auschwitz I was also used to house the Nazi staff that was in charge of the camp.
These experiments were conducted by Professor Dr. Carl Clauberg, Dr. Horst Schumann, Dr. Josef Mengele, Dr. Johann Paul Kremer, and Professer Dr. August Hirt. SS Physicians Friedrich Entress, Helmuth Vetter, and Eduard Wirths were also part of these experiments. The experiments conducted included experiments with sterilization, mass sterilization, different color irises, results of starvation, and tested new drugs and medications. All of these experiments were carried out on the prisinors of the camp. There was a lot of casualties because of these …show more content…
It was then finally finished sometime in the early 1942. Auschwitz-Birkenau was constructed about one-point-nine miles away from Auschwitz I and was the main murdering center of the camps. It was in Birkenau where the gas chambers were camouflaged and used to execute. Birkenau was larger than Auschwitz I which housed most of the prisoners and also had some areas for Gypsies and woman.
Auschwitz III which is also known as "Buna-Monowitz" was built last out of all of the sections. Buna-Monowitz was built for housing for the forced laborers at the Buna rubber factory in Monowitz. The forty-five other smaller camps or sub-camps were also used to house prisoners that were used for the forced labor. The forced laborers had to not only work in the rubber factory but also worked in the coal mines or working in the weapons industry.
From 1942 to the end of the summer of 1944 the trains arrived at Auschwitz-Birkenau with carts of Jews. These carts were transported from every country in Europe in possession of Germany. Approximately one-point-one million Jews were transferred to Auschwitz. The SS authorities and the police deported about two hundred thousand of other victims to Auschwitz. Including about twenty-three thousand Gypsies, one hundred- forty thousand non-Jewish Poles, and fifteen thousand Soviet prisoners of