The first example is shown in how Atticus is a wise father. He always taught the kids lessons about equality and courage. “You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view — until you climb into his skin and walk around in it,” said Atticus (Lee, 30). The quote basically means to treat people the way you wanted to be treated. He …show more content…
Atticus is very brave to take the Tom Robinson case. He knew people were going to very mad and curse at him, but he did what he thought was right. "She was white, and she tempted a Negro. She did something that in our society is unspeakable: she kissed a black man. Not an old Uncle, but a strong young Negro man. No code mattered to her before she broke it, but it came crashing down on her afterwards,” said Atticus (Lee, 272) He took the case even though he knew he probably wouldn’t win the case. He knew that the Ewell’s are liars and terrible people. He knew Tom wasn’t guilty. “You just hold your head high and keep those fists down. No matter what anyone says to you, don’t let ‘em get your goat. Try fighting with your head for a change…it’s a good one, even if it does resist learning,” said Atticus (Lee, 76). The quote stands for people to be the bigger person and not fighting. Fighting is just going to cause more problems. He used this earlier in the book but, he used this technique when Bob Ewell spit in his face on the street corner. He could have easily punched him in the face.
As seen from the above examples, Atticus Finch is a great dad and role model for his kids and for other people in the town of Maycomb. He is a wise father, a clever lawyer and a brave man. The kids aren’t afraid to talk to him about anything. They know they will always get a honest answer. He is a great example of a great