Air pollution from cars and agricultural industry are major causes of asthma attacks. The disadvantage of air pollution to human’s health can develop asthma for healthy people if they absorb the worst air quality for a long period of time. Air pollution kills more people in the San Joaquin Valley than the homicide. More than 2,200 people have died prematurely over the past two years because of our dirty air. Furthermore, One out of six children who live in Fresno County has asthma, which is twice the national average, and it is the highest rate in the state (Fresno Metro Ministry). Beside the cause of asthma, air pollution can also harm our bodies in many ways. For instance, air pollution causes a range of short-term respiratory symptoms, including coughing, chest tightness, and shortness of breath as well as long-term damage to our immune system. According to an article from Santa Barbara County, Air Pollution Control District, the author has stated that air pollution can harm lung development in children, and it also can contribute to early childhood asthma. As an increase in air pollution levels, it is associated with a higher incidence of heart problems such as heart attacks. Especially, air pollutants can cause the risk of developing lung cancer, and it also can cause non-cancer health effects. Air pollution is one of the major problems that destroy the life of animal and plant in the Central Valley. This is, air pollution causes the formation of acid rain, which raises the pH and destroys plants, trees, and animals. Air pollution is also one of the effects that generate wildlife indirectly in Fresno recently due to the extreme heat, and it can change plant communities as a whole. As a result, Atmospheric ozone can decrease growth in various plant species; these changes harm the quality of habitat and food sources of many animals (Rebecca Watts Hull). Therefore, Air pollution is the introduction of harmful contaminants into air, water or soil. These contaminants can have dire effects on entire ecosystems, making life more difficult for humans (children and young adult are facing asthma and respiratory system disease in Fresno), plants and animals. Because humans are not the only living creatures that affected by bad air quality, some toxins that spread onto plants and into water sources that are then consumed by animals, and the health effects of these pollutions are then destroyed the food chain. Therefore, animals that are at the top of the food chain end up with the largest concentrations of toxins that later can generate to some sort of diseases in their bodies. Due to the high level of Ozone and Particle Matter pollutant in our environment, the United State government has created several laws and regulations to impose and help to save our environment from pollution that can danger to our society. …show more content…
According to the article “Pollution Issues- Law and Regulation in the United States”, the author stated that the pollution-control laws in the United States could take several different forms. Federal pollution-control statutes are enacted by Congress is complex laws that state a goal for lowering or eliminating the release of certain pollutants. These laws assign a duty to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) in order to implement the law. The agency then creates rules and regulations to further establish and advance the statute 's goals. However, the federal government has ordered law enforcements to delegate’s authority to the state and encourage them to create their own programs for implementing the law. Since Fresno is one of the top list air pollution regions in the United States, we have several regulations that were established by our local government. The following laws are the laws regulations that implement by the city of Fresno in order to control and reduce or minimize the air pollution in Fresno.
1. Clean Air Act: The Act calls for states and EPA to solve multiple air pollution problems through programs based on the latest science and technology information. 2. California Air Pollution Control Laws: The California Air Resources Board 's (CARB) mission is to promote and protect public