Asthma Alternate Ending

Superior Essays
Chris stared at the monster. It looked just like in his dreams. The beast towered over them. The archers fell to there knees. Chris started to but Rose pulled him back up before his knee touched the ground. “We only bow to God.”

Chris quickly straitened up. The dragon smiled. (Or bared its fangs, it was hard to tell.) It spoke in a voice that sent shivers up Chris’ spine.

“Welcome! I am very glad to see you! You don’t know how lonely I get down here. I have no one to talk to. These servants of mine barely speak. They never quite learned English.”

“Who are you?!” Rose yelled. The size of the room left them far enough away that they had to yell.

“You don’t recognize me Rose? I’m deeply offended. I
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He couldn’t breathe at all. The principal helped him up. “Are you okay?”

“No.” was all Dalton could manage. “Asthma………..”

The principal’s eyes widened. “Where’s your inhaler?”

“Room 205” Dalton said then broke into a coughing fit. The principal rushed out of the room. A few minuets later he came back in. Daltons face was blue. The principal put the inhaler up to Dalton’s lips and squeezed.

Dalton sat up. “Thank you!” As he stood up he swiveled around and punched Arthur square in the face. Arthur stumbled over.

The principal shook his head and gestured to his office. Dalton sighed, so much for that.
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He hadn’t a clue what they should do. He’d heard stories about Satin and knew what he was capable of. He looked to Rose. Her face was deathly pale. He looked around. His sword was gone and there was nowhere to run.

“What do you want from us?” he asked. “Oh, a simple request really.” Satin replied. “You see, I lack good soldiers. Sure I have many but they’re just not good enough. But if you joined me I’ll make you my top general. You’ve already proven yourself.”

“What about Rose?” Chris asked.

“Chris! You’re not even considering this are you?” Rose yelled.

The dragon looked her over for a minute. “She could be in my honor guard of private archers.” He said. “She would be well fed and treated like a Queen.” Chris was weighted down with thoughts. A general, him! Over an entire army! An army of demons. Foul beast made only for murder! No he would not, could not except it. Rose would never cooperate and they would kill her.

“Chris!” Rose screamed, “No! You can’t, you mustn’t!”

Chris turned to her. She shook from head to toe. She was so frightened, so scared. He turned back to the devil.

“Sir!” He said in a mock general tone, “With all do respect I kindly REFUSE your all so amazing offer.” He spat on the ground.

Satin fumed with rage “seize them

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