The Rhetorical Précis Eddie Hall, in the documentary Eddie Strongman, explains that although difficult, proper diet and training can lead you to being the strongest man in the world. You can have any body shape that you want, but much of your life needs to be devoted to whatever you desire. Hall supports his explanation by demonstrating his day to day life as well as his fellow competitors. We get an in depth look of how demanding it is to be a strongman such as Hall, as well as seeing their accomplishments from doing so. The author's purpose is to convince the audience that the body is their own personal sculpture in order for the audience to want to explore in the world of body sculpting.…
In today’s day and age, authors strategically utilize different rhetorical strategies to support their viewpoints and draw in their target audience. In the articles, “Is Google Making Students Stupid?” by well renowned journalist and cultural critic Nick Romeo, “Is The Internet Making Us Dumber, Smarter, Or Just Different?” by journalist Luke O’Neil, “Addiction” by Principal Researcher at Microsoft danah boyd, and “Addicted to Distraction” by CEO and founder of The Energy Project Tony Schwartz, the authors share their views on the correlation between technology and teens of the 21st century. All four articles present their target audience with convincing arguments through Rhetorical strategies such as process analysis, exemplification,…
Is It Interesting, Interesting Enough? To use Murray Davis' own premise, I will deny his assumption of what makes a theory interesting. Undoubtedly, his major point throughout the essay is that denying an old theory is a stepping stone for a new theory to becoming interesting. In other words, the concept of interesting correlates with refuting a previous theory: behaviorism was a response to psychoanalysis; cognitive a response to behaviorism; Marxism a response to industrialization.…
1. A.(1969). Aging with a Spinal Cord Injury - YouTube. Retrieved September 02, 2016, from Aging with a Spinal Cord Injury 2. Aging with and into Disability: Current Status and Future Directions. (n.d.).…
I personally really liked this workshop that we did in class and I think it should be added to the schedule for future assignments. Reading the sample essays as a class and breaking them a part piece by piece made it easier to understand what you are looking for in our Scholarly Rhetorical Analysis. I was able to identify the strengths and weaknesses of each paper. But I also heard new opinions from peers that I overlooked when reading it by myself.…
Hello Mr. Robinson, Thank you so much again for your time, and all the wonderful insight you offered me about Columbia. Our conversation truly brought to light the wonderful culture that I would adore at Columbia, and the academics I can't wait to pursue. Additionally, I wanted to specifically thank you for sharing your knowledge on Columbia's extracurriculars and activities. It truly seems as if there are plenty of options for any interests a student might have.…
In this log I'll be discussing Deepa Ramaswamy's Rhetorical Analysis of Two Sources. The subject of Ramaswamy's paper is something I have had a lot of personal experience, stress relating to school. I have had many challenges involving stress with school work, especially when it comes to time management. I never can seem to organize when it is I will do my work, if I get to it at all. I would not consider it vampiric like is mentioned in Ramaswamy's paper but it certainly takes the energy out of me.…
Each and every person conceptualizes reading in a different way. In their article “Rhetorical Reading Strategies and the Construction of Meaning” Christina Haas and Linda Flower examine the different ways readers, mainly students, read a text and break it down for post read analysis. They believe that every student finds different meaning in every text they read as they show when they state, “There is a growing consensus in our field that reading should be thought of as a constructive rather than as a receptive process: that “meaning” does not exist in a text but in readers and the representations they build” (167). This shows that they do not share the same ideas about reading that many K-12 institutions throughout the united states do considering…
Collaborative Annotated Bibliography Group Evaluations 1. What duties did you have as a member of your group? How well do you feel you met the challenges of these duties? What were the material and substantive results of your work on these duties? How did you get your 1500 words of writing on this project?…
“Rhetorical Reading Strategies and the Construction of Meaning” from Haas & Flowers wants us to understand the true meaning of reading and writing, how we need to see reading as a “constructive rather than a receptive process” (Haas & Flower 167). Targeting students and teachers as well, Haas and Flower managed to develop an article that explains and shows us some misconception of our daily writing life that should be known by everybody. They make questions towards students asking if they really gather all the information that is available in the articles, and if they are available to print them on their writings. Some of the students use a strategy called “rhetorical reading” to get the most out of the texts but only experienced readers managed to use this skill as supposed to. Freshman readers and experienced readers are mentioned and evaluated with the same article, comparing their results, Haas & Flower observed that experienced readers could get more juice out of the readings due to the experience and the previous knowledge in the area.…
Annotated Bibliography McMurrey, A. (2014). Willful ignorance? The dropout crisis and United States public education policy. Journal of At-Risk Issues, 18(1), 27-34. Retrieved from…
1. I believe there were some positive aspects of my speech. Firstly, I was not a nervous when speaking in front of the audience. This allowed me to have the speech flow smoother than last time. I was not expecting the audience to be as large as it was this time; but I think the increase of people might have helped easy some of my anxiety.…
If asked what education is, everybody will give any dictionary definition without finding out their own definition. For me, knowledge is the first keyword which is in my head when I hear the question. Improving knowledge is the first aspect of education helps to gain more information, get more valuable experience, and train more skills. Thus, we realize the other side of life which we have not ever known. In Learning to Read and Write, Douglass confirms, “The moral which I gain from the dialogue was the power of truth over the conscience of even a slaveholder” (120).…
A parenthetical citation includes the authors name as well as the page number. This citation is placed inside of the sentence that includes the quote from your source. It is located right after the quote and right before the period at the end of the…
This paper explores the way to present references in APA format, additionally, how to make an annotated bibliography. The process for cited the sources of information in an APA format collegiate writing assignment is relatively straight forward when you have a template written out for you. The references is very methodical and truly just filling in information already given. The annotated bibliography is slightly different. A bibliography is just an assorted list of works written by a certain author, or books regarding a certain topic.…