Teaching students with a disability is a challenge for educators, especially when there is a mixture of abled and disabled students. Growing up in the Texas public school system and having the opportunity to intern in a middle school classroom gave me the chance to view situations through both the student and teacher lenses. Children with disabilities such as Asperger Syndrome are assisted in elementary years, but blended with the average students in middle school and high school. Because of this, I grew curious of Asperger Syndrome because a boy in my classes had an Asperger’s diagnosis, but I did not quite understand what that meant. From the teacher aspect, I taught a class that contained a student with Autism and a student with Asperger’s, so I needed to understand their limitations and abilities to create the best method to relay new information. By further investigating Asperger Syndrome, I will be more prepared to teach a classroom in a manner that all students will understand and benefit from. To gain more knowledge, I read the journal article, Social Competence Intervention for Elementary Students with Asperger Syndrome and High Functioning Autism. The article is written in a problem-solution format. The problem is that students with Asperger Syndrome are formally above academic level and highly intelligent, but are challenged with the social aspects in life. For example, they cannot relate to other’s emotions, understand someone’s motives or intentions, or recognize body language. Having these social challenges often is accompanied with “rejection and bullying” especially with school aged children that are struggling with being accepted (Stitcher et al 2). Programs have been implemented to assess and develop social skills of children with Asperger’s at a young, yet crucial age. The program emphasizes on “recognizing facial expressions, sharing ideas, turn taking in conversations, recognizing feelings and emotions of self and others, and problem solving” (5). The research that has been collected prove that the experimental programs are a beneficial factor in social skills of young students with Asperger’s. The authors conclude the article with analyzing the results of the program to show that it has a positive effect, but it is in a perfecting process to maximize the results. I am extremely impressed with the program’s extensive paperwork along the entire process. Not only were the children being observed and tested with particular situations, but the parents and teachers had to “complete a written questionnaire at pre and post” program without obtaining the content and activities the program was focused on to extensively chart progress (5). This article opened my eyes to the daily challenges people with Asperger’s struggle with. I noticed they were socially delayed and sometimes inappropriate, but I did not understand the level of difficulty they faced with interpreting others body language and emotions. With social challenges on top of being intellectually inclined, other students avoid or ignore the student with Asperger’s, so …show more content…
By including peer discussions, conversations, and engaging learning activities the emphasis is on vocal interactions and collaboration with other students that simultaneously incorporates the aspects of teamwork and social skills. The teacher has the ultimate power in the classroom, so when orchestrating groups or seating charts, it is important to place a student with Asperger Syndrome with a student that is patient and kindhearted, so all students will feel comfortable and there will be a less likely chance for there to be a bullying issue in the …show more content…
“So be strong and courageous! Do not be afraid and do not panic before them. For the Lord your God will personally go ahead of you. He will neither fail you nor abandon you” Deuteronomy 31:6. And anyone that has disabilities can be encouraged that God has a perfect plan for their life and having that disability was in that plan and will be used to glorify God. Just like in John 9:5, “Jesus answered, ‘It was not that this man sinned, or his parents, but that the works of God might be displayed in him”. This explains that Christ uses our circumstances to show His power and His might. So through the difficult times and doubting, they can be encouraged by 1 Corinthians 12:18, “God arranged the members in the body, each one of them, as he chose” to reiterate God’s plan is perfect and they are a masterpiece created by and for