Why The World May Turn To Nuclear Power Summary

Improved Essays
1. “Why the World May Turn to Nuclear Power” is a passage that lays out all of the main components of Nuclear energy. It is filled with statistics and real world examples, including visual aids. The major purpose of this text is to inform the reader that nuclear power is in fact a beneficial form of energy. Three images on page 18 show nuclear power in action. The bottom right picture illustrates a woman repowering her Nissan LEAF car with the help of nuclear energy. The authors tell us that nuclear power is becoming increasingly popular worldwide by stating, “Nuclear power is experiencing a worldwide rebirth,” and “electrification is expanding” (Stieglitz and Docksai 17-19). America needs to start funding nuclear power because it is quite …show more content…
The primary audience of this article is subscribers to The Futurist magazine. More specifically it is aimed towards the people who are interested in learning more about the future of nuclear power. This group may encompass anyone ranging from a middle-aged garbage man to a high school teenager or even a grandpa looking out for the generations behind him. A person who wants to know more than the media portrays will read this article. The authors focus mainly on the benefits of nuclear power, but they also bring in the counterarguments to strengthen their argument. The reader is most aware of the downfalls of nuclear power because that is what the media conveys to the public. The Three Mile Island incident is brought up more than once in this article and most people are familiar with this because it made worldwide news in 1979. A small portion of the text is a review, but most of it is new information. One piece of information that caught my eye was the portion that discussed the Obama administration: “President Obama eliminated funding… for the state-of-the-art nuclear waste storage facility at Yucca Mountain, Nevada” (Stieglitz and Docksai 17). Nearly all of the statistics were new information. One statistic that stands out in the article is: “at the end of 2007 the world had 439 operating nuclear reactors producing 372 gigawatts of electricity” (Stieglitz and Docksai 20). This article provides readers with enough information in regards to nuclear power …show more content…
“Why the World May Turn to Nuclear Power” is a statistically based article. Consequently, logos appear throughout the passage. Figure 1, located on the top right corner of page 19, shows the percentages of nuclear power used for 17 different countries in the years of 1998 and 2008. According to the table, Lithuania was the nuclear energy leader in 2008 with 77.2% and France in 2008 with 76.2%. The article also predicts what the future will bring of nuclear power. The authors state, “by 2020… worldwide, 112 new nuclear reactors in 25 countries are planned” (Stieglitz and Docksai 20). The magazine is called The Futurist, so it makes sense as to why the authors include statistics in regards to the future of nuclear power. At the very end of the article there is an about the authors excerpt. This section is an indicator of ethos. It states that Richard G. Stieglitz has a PhD in nuclear engineering, and he served ten years in the U.S. Navy refueling nuclear submarines. He is a reliable man because of his personal experiences in the field of nuclear

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