In “The American Dream Needs a Fair Minimum Wage,” by Lew Prince, he explains, “American dream isn’t functioning when people are falling out of the middle class instead of rising into it” (Prince). If one wants the American dream to come true, which is to earn a lot of money, the minimum wage should increase. The American Dream is depending on the minimum wage because there has to be a difference. With this money, if the American Dream is achieved, there would be enough money to donate and help find the cure for cancer, autism, the poor, etc. In the article, “The American Dream Needs a Fair Minimum Wage,” stated,“We can’t restore the American Dream without restoring the minimum wage” (Prince).The wage is a magnificent part of America, it’s the minimum rate a person can be paid. The American dream is depending on the minimum wage. Unfortunately, since the wage is not growing, it 's less likely to attain the goal. Sure there are advantages as well as disadvantages as to why the wage should not be increased, but we would always face obstacles wherever we
In “The American Dream Needs a Fair Minimum Wage,” by Lew Prince, he explains, “American dream isn’t functioning when people are falling out of the middle class instead of rising into it” (Prince). If one wants the American dream to come true, which is to earn a lot of money, the minimum wage should increase. The American Dream is depending on the minimum wage because there has to be a difference. With this money, if the American Dream is achieved, there would be enough money to donate and help find the cure for cancer, autism, the poor, etc. In the article, “The American Dream Needs a Fair Minimum Wage,” stated,“We can’t restore the American Dream without restoring the minimum wage” (Prince).The wage is a magnificent part of America, it’s the minimum rate a person can be paid. The American dream is depending on the minimum wage. Unfortunately, since the wage is not growing, it 's less likely to attain the goal. Sure there are advantages as well as disadvantages as to why the wage should not be increased, but we would always face obstacles wherever we