The staff can protect themselves and other students. If an emergency happens at the school and a student becomes a threat to others the staff needs something to protect themselves and others against that student. While a simple pair of scissors or other common class item could work as protection, it would be much more reliable if the staff were armed with real defense weapons. One case of when armed teachers could have helped protected teachers and students is during the case of the Sandy Hook school shooting. This event lead to the death of twenty students and six staff members and many schools in Missouri training teachers to carry concealed weapons( One argument that might be made is instead of protecting the students the teachers might harm them with the firearm, but to buy a gun and to have one on a campus you must go through thorough background checks and multiple tests to see if they are capable of handling a gun. …show more content…
97% of school shootings are intentional and 30% of school shootings occur on school ground( One of the reasons the percentage is not higher is because the shooters think of the fact that teachers might be armed and decide not to shoot the school. An argument that might be made is that it might not stop the shooter, but even if the idea of armed teachers doesn't stop the shooter, the teachers that are armed can take the shooter down before they injure or kill a lot of