Aristotle's Rhetoric Controversy

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while someone who has a bit more faith will react to the appeal-to-emotion method. The first one, the appeal-to-reason method uses a rational argument, which emphasized on reason and in the scientific method, set out the evidence and the reasons for holding a point of view. This method good for the types of people who need a guide for the controversy. The second type of persuasion is the appeal to emotion. The appeal-to-emotion is based on the emotions that an individual feels. Often this can be a more effective way for the people as a whole because people can often be decided by their emotions more than by their minds. In The Art of Rhetoric, for the great philosopher Aristotle, Aristotle favorite persuasion through reason alone, he realized that at times crowed would not be developed enough to follow arguments based just on scientific and logical principles. In those cases, persuasive language and techniques were essential for the fact to be taught.

Aristotle’s three forms of rhetorical evidence were pathos, logos, and ethos meaning they were essential to his theories of persuasion. Aristotle recognizes three strategies of persuasion: reasoned proof (logos), emotional appeal (pathos), and appeal to the good reputation of the speaker (ethos). Logos, pathos, and ethos are still the base of current types of persuasion today. Thus, modern science aspires to carry a point by logos alone. Logos refers to the logic, the words, and the reasons for your argument, Speakers used logos by presenting reliable information to support the material and verbally citing their sources during their speech. Pathos refers to the emotional content of the argument and is probably the most important. That you can use to drive people to change their thinking and take a particular action. It is only when you move people at an emotional level. Ethos refers to your persona, ethics, and your credibility when you speak. Rising your believability with your audience before and during your speech increases the probability that listeners will accept your arguments. Romney heading that the purpose of his speech is to tell the American people of religious matters and how it relates to his candidacy.
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To persuade the people that he is a good candidate to hold for president, he has chosen to show his religious views and how it will impact his time in running for president, therefore the way that he has selected to persuade the audience is ethos along with logos and pathos, he seeks to show his persona by trying to connect to the public and connect with them on a personal level. The speech that is presented is attempting to persuade the American people that although Romney has his own beliefs and faith, it does not denote that he, or anyone else’s religion, is wrong. “A person should not be elected because of his faith nor should he be rejected because of his faith.” Mitt Romney does not cache his religious faith but emphasizes that his beliefs will never overlap with his tasks as a government official. Telling that state and religion should be isolated would help get over the American people He doesn't want the population to feel that what they have chosen to believe is wrong contrast to his views so that is why he mentions that state and religion should be separate. This speech not only has been about the character of Romney but also

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