Firstly, animals should be able to be used in experiments for human benefit. …show more content…
This can be explained through the Utilitarianism theory. Utilitarianism can be defined as the theory where an action can be labelled as morally correct if the outcome positively creates happiness for the greatest amount of people or beings. Peter Singer is a Utilitarianism that believes that animals should be treated with the same respect that humans are given. He believes that if a few animals suffered in order to save thousands of people, then the actions can be justified. Singer stated, “My position has always been that whether an act is right or wrong depends on its consequences.” With this being said, many experimenters do take the animal’s safety into consideration. Animal use can be justified by how they are being maintained throughout the experiment. If the animals being tested on have a nice environment to live in for the time being, then there should be no problem with ethical issues that may come about in the experiment. Animals that are treated with respect will not be caged and they will have enough room to live comfortably for a short amount of time. This type of treatment is very similar to what humans would expect if they were participating in a study. Also, there are many processes in certain animal’s bodies that make them very similar to humans. Because of this, people believe that animals should be used for experimentation. Animals can be similar to humans by many physical traits. Some of these similar physical features would be found in the skin and throughout the bodily functions. In order for a researcher to conduct an experiment on an animal they will have to have a valid reason for doing so. The animals that are most commonly used in experiments are rats. Rats are very abundant and reproduce very quickly, so if complications were to occur in an experiment then it would create a positive result. This positive result would be that this can cause an overpopulation of rats to be decreased, and humans will be happier because of this. The reason animals are used in experiments are to help to better products that are used by humans and to also better human’s lives. By using animals in research, this can benefit a great amount of people. When using animals in research humans are not harmed in any way, and the outcome will benefit them as well. Happiness is created when sick people are given treatments to cure their illnesses. The only way someone could suffer from this would be the amount of time they have to stay in a hospital, but that would be justified by their sicknesses being cured. Treatments for cancer and other illnesses can be created by using these animals in experiments. Also, using animals in experiments can allow for the safety of humans to be increased, and this causes the happiness of humans to also be increased. If animals were not tested on then many products could cause humans to be very sick, and could even cause some people to die. People are gaining happiness from this because they are able to feel safe when using products, and if only a few animals were hurt in the process then it can be justifiable. This shows how using animals can administer a greater amount