I Believe In Destiny Research Paper

Improved Essays
When I was five, I always wondered what was the point of living. There has to be some type of reasoning for me being here. I believe in destiny, the type of destiny where everything happens for a reason. It might not be a big reason or I might not leave earth with a big impact like Thomas Edison did when he created the light bulb. But I believe that all my actions have a reasoning for them. I may not know all the reasoning and they may not be all good, but that’s what makes life so interesting. To where there’s an action there always a reaction. I believed in destiny when I was I five years old when I was laying on my couch and I was thinking about everything that has happened to me up to that point. Granted I was only five, but if you really …show more content…
Through all the schools I’ve been to, I had the chance to help a couple of friends who were on the edge of giving up. I know this because they have told me that I was the only one there for them when no one else was. I wouldn’t have been able to help my friends If I hadn’t moved. All my friends come from different places, some have moved across the country like I have, some have lived a state over or even a county. We have been brought to meet one another through the choices that affected us. I may not at first agreed with moving out of the city, but if I didn’t, I wouldn’t have been able to help my friends go through hard times. I believe you cannot control what the future has in hand for you. When two people meet they tend to believe that destiny brought them together. I believe that people are brought together to help each other. The only way they met was by making choices in their lives that led them up to meeting that particular person. There are billions of people on earth, and you just so happened to meet the right one. Destiny has a way of bringing people together or pulling them apart. We don’t know that reasoning until something happens that brings everything together making It make

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