Increasing the supply of cadaver organs is an obvious solution, according to the article. Now some leading ethicists and doctors are re- examining the principle of informed consent in government organ donor programs, they are arguing that harvesting from cadavers should be a routine procedure just like autopsies in murder investigations. This routine recovery would be much simpler and cheaper to implement than proposals designed to stimulate consent. Because they won’t need for donor registries, no need to train requesters, no need for stringent government regulations. Using cadaver organs would increase the amount of organs, it could save many lives. But there just isn’t enough organs for those who need them. The United States network for organ sharing, currently running the system of cadaver donations in the United States, maintains list of brain-dead patients around the country trying to find a match prospective donors. Presently there are more than 90,000 people waiting for kidneys but only about 14,000 donors enter the system each year. This shortage isn’t based on a shortage of brain-dead people but because even after they have opted into convoluted and difficult organ donations program- ever finding their way to a viable patient. A 2005 Gallup poll revealed that more than half the population of the unites states was willing to donate organs after death, but unfortunately even willing donors often end up not donating because families raise objections or there are questions about consent. Something that really caught my attention was when a medical anthropologist at the University of California at Berkeley was asked to give her opinion about donations, she asks “why make everyone pay a body tax? We have 60 million people uninsured in this country; why should we force the
Increasing the supply of cadaver organs is an obvious solution, according to the article. Now some leading ethicists and doctors are re- examining the principle of informed consent in government organ donor programs, they are arguing that harvesting from cadavers should be a routine procedure just like autopsies in murder investigations. This routine recovery would be much simpler and cheaper to implement than proposals designed to stimulate consent. Because they won’t need for donor registries, no need to train requesters, no need for stringent government regulations. Using cadaver organs would increase the amount of organs, it could save many lives. But there just isn’t enough organs for those who need them. The United States network for organ sharing, currently running the system of cadaver donations in the United States, maintains list of brain-dead patients around the country trying to find a match prospective donors. Presently there are more than 90,000 people waiting for kidneys but only about 14,000 donors enter the system each year. This shortage isn’t based on a shortage of brain-dead people but because even after they have opted into convoluted and difficult organ donations program- ever finding their way to a viable patient. A 2005 Gallup poll revealed that more than half the population of the unites states was willing to donate organs after death, but unfortunately even willing donors often end up not donating because families raise objections or there are questions about consent. Something that really caught my attention was when a medical anthropologist at the University of California at Berkeley was asked to give her opinion about donations, she asks “why make everyone pay a body tax? We have 60 million people uninsured in this country; why should we force the