A lot of changes to the game appeared in the 1970s and 1980s including the playoff format being revised, each player had their name on the back of their jerseys, many new rules favoring the offense, the kickers were neutralized, there is now a regular season overtime, penalties increases for hits to the head, neck, and face, ref used instant replay, and the playoffs and the schedule was expanded. Also, the NFL expanded into twenty-eight teams with the Buccaneers and the Seahawks being added. Beginning in 1970, the team who won the super bowl was given the Vince Lombardi Trophy, named after the legendary Green Bay coach following his death earlier that same year. During the years of football during 1970-1989, many star players emerged which led to lots of attention from fans and the media.…
The reality of OJ Simpson’s Trial Present to Mr. Hyatt Presented by Aiyana Barnes O.J. Simpson was convicted of murdering his wife, Nicole Brown Simpson. There are three crucial factors with the evidence against him. First, the L.A.P.D. has been proven corrupt and racially biased. Second, the evidence, including blood samples, and the glove from the scene of the crime. Third, the juries from during the trial were all mainly African American, so they began to have a race issue.…
Orenthal James “O. J” Simpson was convicted of the murders of his ex-wife Nicole Brown Simpson and a friend of his wife’s Ronald Goldman on June 12th 1994. Goldman was over giving Nicole Brown her cell phone when the murders took place. OJ Simpson was questioned by police the next day which would begin the trial of the century. OJ Simpson was a gentle man, people could have never imagined him murdering his wife or anyone for that matter. He stared in movies and became a role model for many aspiring football players of his day.…
When the majority of people picture a villain, they might describe one as “a cruelly malicious person who is involved in or devoted to wickedness or crime” (“Villain”, dictionary.com). Our world today is filled with more villainous acts than we can count, whether it be as small as a lie or as grand as several murders. Charles Manson was an American villain who was guilty of an abundance of malicious acts - some that sound too obscene to even be true. A cult leader with around a hundred followers, Manson and his family are “thought to have carried out some 35 killings” (“Charles Manson”, A&E Networks Television). Manson’s difficult childhood led him to create a unique character out of himself, where he developed some interesting theories and…
xDecember 26, 1996, JonBenet was killed by her brother, Burke Ramsey, and her parents, John and Patsy Ramsey, tried to cover up the seen. Burke, John, Patsy were all associated with JonBenet’s death because evidence found with ransom note, choker, JonBenet’s body, 911 phone call, flashlight, pineapple, and evidence of sexual assault and abuse. Burke’s voice was in the 911 phone call. Burke and the parents clarified that Burke was inside his bedroom, asleep.…
In the articles “Three Cheers for the Nanny State,” “Ban the Ban!,” and “Soda’s a Problem but…”, all three authors present their arguments with facts, opinions, and counterclaims. However, one article presents itself better than the rest. I believe that the article “Soda’s a Problem, but...” was the most convincing article. Sarah Conly- the author who wrote “Three Cheers for the Nanny State”- argues that the soda restriction is a good idea because people would be stopped from making foolish decisions that they’ll pretty definitely regret.…
Although many important people deserve to have a holiday dedicated to them. Such as George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, Teddy Roosevelt, but John F. Kennedy is one of the best example of who deserves to have a holiday based on them and their achievement and what they have done for the world or their country. JFK deserves a day that is all about him because of the many things he did and achieved before he was president, what he did during his presidency, and how his presidency had an impact on the people of america. In addition Kennedy is one of the few great presidents we have had, that should have a holiday.…
November 22, 1963 is a day that will forever be a mystery. This was the day that President John Fitzgerald Kennedy was shot and killed in Dallas, Texas. The Warren Commission says that the killer was Lee Harvey Oswald, a Soviet defector who sympathized with the Communists in Russia and Cuba. However, many Americans believe that Oswald couldn 't have done this alone. Theories range from multiple gunmen, to the shots being fired from a different location, as well as those who agree with the Warren Commission.…
The ‘trial of the century’ changed many Americans’ views on race. While race is the most notable impact and influence associated with the Simpson trial, the highly popularized case brought more transformations than creating a major race controversy. The trials multi-faceted ideas and themes, including media coverage, criminology, views on justice, and domestic abuse, impacted American culture as well. The O.J. Simpson trial had a long-term impact that went further than racial tensions to ultimately change the media, change perception of the justice system, promote better job performance, and to raise awareness of domestic abuse.…
The media coverage also allows the case to turn into a real life celebrity soap opera, and shifted the focus from the facts to the show that was going on. We can learn from the O.J. Simpson trial that the meticulous standard that the LAPD has in place in criminal situations must be conducted in all instances. The celebrity of an individual does not make them above the law. Because of these downfalls, a guilty man was…
Now, it's been two years since Paul Walker died in a tragic car accident. Everybody is still mourning for the loss of their beloved Fast and Furious brother. One co-star in particular still struggles with his absence. Tyrese Gibson (Photo : Getty Images)…
Ana Sofia Garza Mrs. Williams English II Pre-Ap 02 November 2016 Justice Many people have committed crimes. Some because that is what they do best and some because they don 't know any better and even some who commit crimes out of love, believing the crime is for a greater good. The United States criminal justice system should not allow for exceptions in the application of law due to the fact that justice should be applied equally to all. Even though a person might be disabled, a violation of the law or murder still remains as an illegal action.…
. “America incarcerates more people than any other country on Earth,” argues Shane Smith. Seventy-five percent of people arrested for nonviolent drug charges are blacks and Hispanics. For minorities the system is broken because the system is biased to them. The justice system is supposed to be innocent until proven guilty, but for Latinos and blacks the system is guilty until proven innocent.…
In Cold Blood Argument Essay In Cold Blood focuses on the effects of the murder of a family in a city in Kansas as well as the interactions between their murderers. The book focuses a great deal on Richard Hickock and Perry Smith, the Clutter family killers. Perry is painted throughout the book as a very complex character, the farther into the book one reads, the more details about his childhood and family are revealed. His childhood was traumatic for him and later in the book, that is explored as the reason for his behaviour.…
Why would you want to take another person life? What does you get out of it? When you think of murder you think of a person killing another human being. Which can be unlawful and lawful depends on the situation. Murder is the unlawful premeditated killing of one human being by another.…