Argumentative Essay On Mass Shootings

Improved Essays
Mass shootings are tragic and unforeseeable events that have recently sparked much debate on the topic of gun control. In 2015, there have been 21 shootings that have occurred on college campuses, which begs the question: Should we allow concealed weapons on college campuses to reduce the number of violent crimes? The answer to that question is no.
Many pro-gun activists argue that mass murderers target gun-free zones such as university campuses. This argument is flawed and has even been discredited by a study conducted by the FBI in 2013 . This study shows that out of the number of shootings that have occurred in commercial and educational areas, 63% of them involved a shooter that had some kind of relationship with the location. Even if this argument were to be true, The University of Texas Dallas released a study on The Impact of Right-To-Carry Concealed Firearm Laws on Mass Public Shootings, which found that RTC laws made little or no impact in reducing the number of mass shootings. The FBI study also refutes the idea that average citizens would be more likely to intervene in a shooting if they were armed. The fact of the
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Gee, who would’ve known that more guns don’t actually decrease the rate of violent crimes. In 2012, all public colleges in Colorado had to allow “Campus Carry” which allows concealed firearms on campus. Since then, Colorado’s rate of rape has increased 25% in 2012 and 36% in 2013. In Utah, where campus carry has been enforced since 2004, has reported a rate of rape increase of nearly 50% from 2012 to 2013. While their rates are going up, the national average has been declining over the past 10 years. These findings don’t indicate that the rate of crime increased because of campus carry, they do indicate that permitting firearms on college campuses does not decrease sexual assault rates or the number of violent crimes

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