If this was true than Australia 's and Japan 's strict gun laws would have done nothing. Australia and Japan would have continued to see the same amount of violence, but yet, their gun violence has dwindled. In 2014, Australia had a total of 31 gun related homicides, while the United States had a staggering total of 12,593 gun related homicides (Gun Violence Archive, 2014). If these two simple facts do not convince you that some form of gun reform is needed in the United States that maybe this will: “The federal agency 's data on child and young teen deaths (14 and under) from guns from 1999 through 2014 show 6,495 deaths...” (Brunker, Defrank). One child is too many to die from a gun related homicide, let alone six thousand four hundred and ninety
If this was true than Australia 's and Japan 's strict gun laws would have done nothing. Australia and Japan would have continued to see the same amount of violence, but yet, their gun violence has dwindled. In 2014, Australia had a total of 31 gun related homicides, while the United States had a staggering total of 12,593 gun related homicides (Gun Violence Archive, 2014). If these two simple facts do not convince you that some form of gun reform is needed in the United States that maybe this will: “The federal agency 's data on child and young teen deaths (14 and under) from guns from 1999 through 2014 show 6,495 deaths...” (Brunker, Defrank). One child is too many to die from a gun related homicide, let alone six thousand four hundred and ninety