Argumentative Essay On Gmo

Superior Essays
Andrew Jazbani
Mr. Kugler
Anatomy and Physiology-7
16 October 2014
A Better Look into Genetically Modified Organisms Genetically modified organisms are either plants or animals that have been reformed by scientists genetically to improve growth, remove pests, survive through changing weather, produce more food, and many other desired qualities from people and scientists. It enables precise changes to the DNA of the organism to get these desired characteristics. There are many types of questions regarding GMOs. For example, what are GMOs? What are some benefits and side effects? Are GMOs healthy or good for or environment? All of these questions will be answered through some research. There are numerous amounts of myths and facts about
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GMO’s can be used for many things. There are GM animals created by scientists for studying purposes and there are also GMO plants. There are many procedures to making a GMO, but here is an example of one of the most common ways scientists create them. First, you select the gene you will be working with, You will get your information from the DNA. Once you have your sequences from the gene, you can put it into a bacterial DNA. The bacteria will help it to replicate rapidly. Second, you place the gene with a DNA strand that is surrounded by the correct DNA sequence to have the cell recognize it. Third, you will need to add a second gene to provide your specific selection. Finally, you need to figure out how to transfer the new DNA into the organism’s cell. This is how GMO’s are made. Now comes the questions, are GMO’s …show more content…
First off, the fact that they are mainly unhealthy. America urges doctor to urge their own patients to have a better diet which includes ignoring GMOS. Another side-effect is contamination. GMO pollution will last strongly like their crops. They can survive through any season, so does their pollution. GMOs also increase the use of herbicides. Many farmers spray millions of pounds of herbicides on GMOs. This causes farmers to use more toxic herbicides which affect the environment. A major side effect of GMOs is how badly they harm the environment. This is one of the main reasons why I personally do not agree with the use of

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