He is conveying to the public an untruthful number in order to garner support for his proposal. Free community college on the national level would rack up massive costs, as government projects are almost guaranteed to run over budget. Therefore, when weighing the benefits and costs of free community college it is important to note that cost of funding would actually be significantly greater than the number the president is proposing. This expensive plan is certainly going to be felt by the taxpayer, and it becomes a question of whether the return on the investments would be justified. In addition to underestimating total costs involved, the President miscalculates the availability of state funding. Thomas Bailey and Judith Scott-Clayton, directors of research …show more content…
There are basic expenses that are required to sustain everyday life. Malcolm Harris from Al Jazeera calculates “$30,000 is what it takes to live like a low-income worker, which is what students are, and you can’t live on tuition alone” Poor students attending community college would forgo a salary as they would be unable to work full-time. Community college would not be feasible for the poor under Obama’s proposal as nothing is done to cover the cost of living. Americans cannot give up food, healthcare, and rent. These are all basic necessities that President forgets to acknowledge in his proposal. If the president’s plan did pass, the poor would not enroll in community college as they would not be able to forgo the costs of