Recently the Federal government has seized an additional 85,000 acres surrounding the base to keep observers at a distance.” (Area 51) This air base is extremely confidential and only the ones who are sworn to secrecy for the rest of their lives may go in. This is not an ordinary profession either. The employers at Area 51 fly into work every morning in an airmobile to prevent being followed. The base is said to be as large as thirty to forty feet underground. What goes on here not even the highest officials know about. The security is extremely strict and they have sensors on every inch of the base including security that are constantly roaming the area. They are not merciful and trespassers will be prosecuted immediately. (Area 51) The second location of Area 51 is located in New Mexico near Roswell. Many sightings of strange looking lights have appeared in the deserted areas during the late hours of the night. There have been many reported UFO findings but one of the most popular ones are the one that occurred on July 7, 1947, in New Mexico. A man by the name of Mac Brazel was outside when he noticed what looked like pieces of foil and that were contained by tape alone with other different paper materials. Unsure of what he should do, Brazel contacted the authorities who then contacted a military base. The soldiers came and casually retrieved the materials and left without much word. (The Roswell “UFO” …show more content…
The armed forced had feared that it might’ve been remains from Russian spy craft which was why they were hesitant to share the news with the public. (Roswell and the Mysterious Project Mogul) Although it sounds logical that the debris found were just remains of a balloon used for espionage, it does not make sense that the military would nervously participate in practices such as making dummies and throw them off planes. Sources stated that the dummies were very similar to extraterrestrial beings and that they indeed just looked like actual aliens falling from the sky. People assumed that these creatures were being hunted down by the military, and then they were being kidnapped for further research. (Dummy Drops and UFOs) It has been said that in 1976, the moon landing was all a hoax made in a studio that was broadcasted across the world. There have been reports that state that the first few minutes of the moon landing were not broadcasted because of what the astronauts had