Going to college in my opinion is totally worth it.There is benefits with getting a college education/degree. First of all your getting an education that can lead to better jobs. People with a degree in college usually get paid more than a person without a college education. According to “huffingtonpost.com” “People with bachelor’s degrees make around $300,000 more over their lifetimes than those with just a high school education, according to a new analysis by Jaison R. Abel and Richard Deitz of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York.” …show more content…
If you only have a diploma you probably can't go be a scientist, but if you went to college and studied biology you can go work and be a scientist because in order you have to have experience. According to “nbcnews.com” “The ones that require little if any extra education — such home health aide, retail salesperson, customer service representative — generally pay in the range of $21,000 to $32,000, according to the BLS.The ones that require a bachelor’s degree, including accountants and computer software engineers, pay two or three times that.”. A manager of a company doesn't want to just hire someone with no experience. They want someone who went to college and learned all the required stuff they need for this