Class Differences

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The textbook, Public and Private Families by Andrew J. Cherlin, as well as the article, Are Class Differences in Parenting Style Disappearing? by Tristan Bridges and Tara Leigh Tober both identify concerted cultivation and natural growth parenting styles to be used commonly among the social classes; upper, middle, and working/poor class. The textbook and article identify the concerted cultivation parenting style to be used most by the upper and middle class, while the natural growth parenting style is used most amongst the working/poor class.
The Concerted cultivation style as Andrew J. Cherlin describes it in the textbook, is the impact parents have on their child’s life as nurturing a garden so plants would grow in the best possible way. In concerted cultivation parents have a more hands on approach, they place their child or children in social activities such as sports, clubs, or play dates and also have them involved in educational benefits such as tutoring. The authors of Are Class Differences in Parenting Style Disappearing?, Bridges and Tober found that with this specific parenting style the parents are looking to help their child find their voice and opinion, seek their talents and develop them as well as have as trong development for the child. The parenting style, natural growth is commonly done by working class or poor families. These families do not have as much time or the means to offer their children the opportunities to be involved in sports, tutoring, playdate, and more. The parents do want their child to receive a great education as well, however, they allow the child to have a higher part in their own growth by giving them independence. The child has the option to choose to go outside and play with friend in the neighborhood, or talk with family, study, or do whatever may seem best in the moment. For middle class families this may not be easiest chose for the parents because they want to be the ones to provide the child with the opportunity to grow but by their means. The advantages from concerted cultivation are that the child get a feel on entitlement and worth, which is great because if they believe they deserve the best then they will go out and achieve it. I do agree with the article, however that this may be seen as a disadvantage because the children now adults will think that they can bend rules and pursued authority, but that is not how life works in the real world once they are out there in society. Another advantage to concerted cultivation is that the child gains a huge connections of networks by being involved and growing up with different people who may be of support in the future. The benefits to growing up through the natural growth parenting style is that the child could grow up to be truly independent and have true bonds with people he had relationships with. The disadvantages to growing up with this parenting style may be that now adult would have trouble with authority, or speaking up for themselves, settling because they believe they are lucky to have opportunities. In the end I do believe it possible for both cultivation and natural growth to lead to some children growing up with skills like independence and networking. It even may be possible for children growing up in different parenting styles achieve characteristics from one another 's style. My parents definitely used cocgen culitva as their approach with parenting style when my two other siblings and I were young, however I
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It was nice growing up with the natural approach because I definitely learned independent, obedience, and sich. Like the chapter say that growing up with natural growth the subling confortations are rough and relationships can be bad between siblings and it was for my siblings and I we went all out when we fought, but as we grew and matured and now are adults our relationship is actually amazing, we are all close to one another. I feel like growing up I got a sense of both parenting styles, more of natural growth, but I was exposed to both and see the characterisc that both the article and textbook outline for each style are both in

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