In this article, Proulx presents the findings from a recent study of archaeological site looting, which mainly focuses on international selling of obtained artifacts, illegally. The author touches basis with the fact that this is a major problem going on worldwide and countries in the Middle East such as Egypt, Turkey, and Syria have a lot to lose. Despite the overwhelming focus on methamphetamine, Proulx supports her argument effectively surveying over 2, 358 archaeologists throughout the world in 118 countries! The article is going to be an important part of my research paper because it is in direct correlation with looting and selling illegally obtained antiquities, and I will be talking about how to prevent this from happening. Overall, the main argument on all accounts is the fact that archaeological fieldwork has become a dangerous career around the world.
Lawler, A. "Satellites Track Heritage Loss across Syria and Iraq." Science, 2014, 1162-163. …show more content…
The author emphasizes how organized looting has gotten over the years. It is not just shovels and bags anymore, its trucks and backhoes looting and destroying ancient structures. The worst part is, the thieves sort the valuable goods before they are exported for sale abroad. Lawler also mentions a group in the name of ASOR which monitors sites and structures with satellites. This article will be precisely useful during my research because it takes into account the steps used by the thieves and the steps of preventing looting and selling illegal artifacts, thanks to ASOR. Furthermore, I will be mainly focusing on the Middle East and that’s exactly where the news in this article is taking