Apush Dbq

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Southern Democrats used disenfranchisement to limit African Americans ability to vote. They enforced poll taxes, literacy tests, and laws like Louisiana’s grandfather clause to prevent uneducated and poor African Americans from voting in elections. One literacy test in Mississippi, called the understanding clause, forced voters to prove they could understand a clause in Mississippi’s constitution. Democrats reserved the right to determine who passed the literacy test, which helped Democrats push out the opposing Populists political party in the south. Louisiana’s grandfather clause prevented anyone from voting if their grandfather was unable to vote. The Supreme Court deemed the understanding clause unconstitutional, but literacy tests and …show more content…
Racial violence

In order to maintain political control and defeat the Populist Party, southern Democrats threatened black voters with violence if they went to the polls. Disenfranchisement led to an increase in white supremacy views and racial tension in the south, which resulted in pubic lynching’s and segregation laws. Public lynching’s became common occurrences attracting large crowds that sometimes counted in the thousands. Pictures of the lynching’s were often sold commercially as a form of souvenir. c. Jim Crow laws

Laws passed in the southern states that enforced segregation of schools, trains, buses, hotels, streetcars, and cemeteries were known as Jim Crow laws. In 1896, the Supreme Court ruled in Plessy v. Ferguson that segregation laws, and therefore all Jim Crow laws, were legal under the Fourteenth Amendment of the Constitution. By doing so, the Supreme Court set a separate but equal policy that lasted until 1954 when the Supreme Court abolished segregation in their ruling on Brown v. Topeka Board of Education.

2. Describe the following during the presidency of Theodore Roosevelt:
a. Conservation of natural
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Based on this belief, the National Consumers’ League advocated for legislation that protected workers. Around 1908, National Consumers’ League hired attorney Louis Brandeis to file a legal brief on the Supreme Court’s Muller v. Oregon case. The case involved an Oregon law that limited a women’s hours working hours to ten hours a day. Brandeis used scientific research from the National Consumers’ League that stated long work hours was unhealthy for women to help persuade the Supreme Court to uphold the law. The Supreme Court’s ruling on Muller v. Oregon led to laws that provided government assistance to single mothers and their children, as well as a minimum wage law for women. The negative side effect to the Muller v. Oregon case was its focus on protecting women and not men. This caused a division amongst female reformers. Some reformers continued their focus on reforms for women, while other changed their tactics and focused on gender-neutral

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