This experiment is specifically for undergraduate students who have previous knowledge and background on the process of photosynthesis within C3 and C4 plants. The …show more content…
Take the mounted section to a microscope for viewing. 8. View the slide under bright field or phase contrast of the microscope, then blue light.
9. Repeat steps 2-8 under “How to Cut and Mount Sections” for the Tradescantia species.
View the Epidermal Cells of Muhlengbergia and Tradescantia Species
1. Obtain one leaf each from the Muhlengbergia and Tradescantia Species.
2. Place a few drops of tap water onto two clean slides.
4. In lengthwise form, tear the leaf.
5. Use the razor to cut some of the out-sticking epidermal cells from each torn end.
6. Transfer to the section to the slide.
7. Add small drops of water onto the slide then cover with a cover slip. 8. Take the mounted section to the microscope for viewing.
After completing the experiment a conclusion must be drawn. Depending on the results, your hypothesis will or will not have a correlation.
We can assume from the picture below, that the Tradescantia species will be concluded as a C3 plant because of the chloroplast being within the bundle sheath and the Muhlengbergia Species will have a relation to a C4 plant due to its chloroplast being located within the bundle sheath and also the