Antigone Vs Creon

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Antigone is the story wrote by the author Sophocles who did great work in the Golden age of Greek theater. The story “Antigone”s theme is the one fate of royal family in the city-state Thebe. After Oedipus died, his two children fought for his throne and they both died. Priority reason, Creon took the throne of the king. He made the death penalty law to do not let Polyneikes, who attacked the Thebe, be buried. The daughter of Oedipus, Antigone, she strenuously opposed the law and after the intense argument, she received the death sentence from Creon. Then the fiancé of Antigone, Haimon, is also the son of Creon, he quarreled with his father and then killed himself from the sadness of losing Antigone, as a result, Creon’s wife Eurydice, also …show more content…
Nevertheless, not that simply, Creon is a man, Antigone is a woman, is not clearly differentiated and structuring the story. For example, in the plot, creon calls Antigone “man”.
“ Now if she thas can flout authority. Unpunished, I am woman, she the man.”
( Creon, 784-785) Certainly as Creon said, Antigone uses her words as a political tool to claim and justify her actions, she does not compromise her own beliefs, which makes Antigone Including those words, from every words Creon speaks, it tells how he as a man, feels scorn about woman. Naturally inside Creon, he has a male-dominated society thought that occurs from the time changes. At first, when the guard told someone buried the body of Polyneikes, Creon said
“ What are you saying? What man would dare this? ” ( Creon, 286) It tells us, that he thought that is not preferable, but only man could dare do that, it must be a man, it is absolutely impossible to woman to do that. Surely, when Creon conflicted with Antigone, he denied her womanliness with his strong manliness. But think it deeply, in the story there is no person Creon defines as a
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I’d trust such a man to govern wisely or to be content with someone ruling him. And in the thick of battle at his post he’ll stand firm beside his fellow soldier, a loyal, brave man. But anyone who’s proud and violates our laws or thinks he’ll tell our leaders what to do, a man like that wins no praise from me.” ( Creon, 749-760)
“ That’s why they must support those in control, and never let some woman beat us down. If we must fall from power, let that come at sine man’s hand at least, we won’t be called inferior to any woman.” ( Creon,

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