The story follows a stranger who enters a small feud torn Mexican town, he is notified of two families trying to take control of the town and in doing so disrupting peace of the folk. The stranger sees this as an opportunity to make “a fist full of dollars” and plays off the two families. Like 'The Man with No Name' R.P McMurphy is seen as a stranger to his new surroundings (the ward), it is clear to most of the patients that the 'stranger' isn’t of the ordinary and doesn’t belong there. As the 'stranger' McMurphy stays passives and observes the situation of the ward where he comes to the resolution that Nurse Ratched is wrongfully manipulative. McMurphys gambling history transposes onto the ward where he partakes in poker and other money/item winning activities. McMurphy takes the 'strangers' role and sets himself to stand up against the corrupt social system and in doing so help his fellow patients. Although McMurphy actions lead to his demise compared to the 'strangers' triumph his legacy remains and inspires the other patients of the ward to fend for there selves, this legacy is also shares similarity with the stranger as hope is restored. McMurphys persona and behaviour closely resemble 'Them Man with No Name' providing further justification in deeming McMurphy as an
The story follows a stranger who enters a small feud torn Mexican town, he is notified of two families trying to take control of the town and in doing so disrupting peace of the folk. The stranger sees this as an opportunity to make “a fist full of dollars” and plays off the two families. Like 'The Man with No Name' R.P McMurphy is seen as a stranger to his new surroundings (the ward), it is clear to most of the patients that the 'stranger' isn’t of the ordinary and doesn’t belong there. As the 'stranger' McMurphy stays passives and observes the situation of the ward where he comes to the resolution that Nurse Ratched is wrongfully manipulative. McMurphys gambling history transposes onto the ward where he partakes in poker and other money/item winning activities. McMurphy takes the 'strangers' role and sets himself to stand up against the corrupt social system and in doing so help his fellow patients. Although McMurphy actions lead to his demise compared to the 'strangers' triumph his legacy remains and inspires the other patients of the ward to fend for there selves, this legacy is also shares similarity with the stranger as hope is restored. McMurphys persona and behaviour closely resemble 'Them Man with No Name' providing further justification in deeming McMurphy as an