Imagine a sixty-five-year-old woman suffering from an eating disorder, having memory loss and unintentional weight loss. In Guerdjikova, O 'melia, Mori, McCoy and Mcelroy (2012) study, twenty elderly individuals ages of sixty and older were evaluated for binge eating disorder (BED). The study reported that elderly individuals with BED reported binge eating episodes per week. However, other than presenting with obesity, the participants reported good general medical health. BED might be a problem for a subgroup of physically healthy elderly individuals. The study found that 42% of women felt their weight or shape had a negative impact on their life (Guerdjikova, O 'melia, Mori, McCoy and Mcelroy, 2012). Again, many people who binge has no concern about weight gain. Too many people who are still under the false impression that eating disorders are the province of adolescent and young adult women, these results are a real eye-opener. There is no age limitation to disordered eating, people would not like to visualize anyone with an eating disorder especially someone elderly. …show more content…
Later adulthood consists of people who age range of 60-75 years. Health issues are a high concern in older men and women who is struggling with an eating disorder. A woman’s body becomes less resilient with age, their bones become brittle and dental effects began to occur. Eating disorders are prevalent in the youth is mainly due to maintaining a body image, but for the elderly it may include alterations in taste and smell, especially secondary to medications. Elderly people suffer unintended weight loss because of the refusal of meals. Erikson 's psychosocial development has eight distinct stages. Failure to successfully complete a stage can result in a reduced ability to complete further stages and, therefore, a more unhealthy personality and sense of self. The eight stages are trusted vs. mistrust age infancy, autonomy vs. shame age early childhood, initiative vs. guilt aged play age, industry vs. inferiority age school age, identity vs. role confusion age adolescence, intimacy vs. isolation age young adult, generativity vs. stagnation age adulthood and ego integrity vs. despair age maturity (Newman & Newman, 2007). Erik Erikson believed if we see our lives as unproductive, feel guilty about our past, or feel that we did not accomplish our life goals, we become dissatisfied with life and develop despair, often leading to depression and hopelessness (Newman & Newman, 2007). The development tasks in this stage of life are accepting one’s age, promoting intellectual vigor and redirecting their energy toward new goals. Psychoanalytic theories of development began with the work of Sigmund Freud, who believed that early childhood experiences had a lasting effect on the course of development. Eating disorders do not discriminate, it doesn’t discriminate between race, gender, culture, or ethnicity. Sex/gender and race/ethnicity are complex traits that are important because each includes the social dimensions necessary for understanding its impact on health and each has genetic foundations. Culture plays a valuable apart in …show more content…
This topic has made me aware that some eating disorders are not by choice. Elderly individuals are affected by medication that have them to have a change in their appetite. I understand the types of eating disorders and their symptoms. This topic has enlightened me of the similarities that the youth and elderly have when dealing with eating disorders. An eating disorder can go undetected for years because a person’s body weight remains normal. If the disorder goes untreated, it can be life-threatening. It’s harmful to the body and should be treated like any other medical disease. The topic made me aware that cognitive behavior therapy can be a treatment for an eating disorder. The person who has an eating disorder shouldn’t be blamed for having