8 November 2015
FYE College Writing
Professor Bonet
Annotated Bibliography: Should the drinking age be lowered to 18?
"Drinking While Young." State Legislatures 34.6 (2008): 11. Health Reference Center Academic. Web. 2 Nov. 2015. .
This article, although short, contains very important information. Drinking under the age of 21 is obviously illegal, and as a result it leads teens to drink in private due to the fact that they are not allowed to drink publicly. The problem with this is that drinking in private often leads to heavy drinking, which has many horrible effects later down the line. It is believed that if the consumption of alcohol were available for teens at the age of 18 it would lead to lighter consumption of …show more content…
The legal drinking age has always been a topic of debate. In the 1970’s the drinking age was lowered and the effects were immediately catastrophic, the amount of accidents increased dramatically and as a result the drinking age was raised as quickly as it was lowered. The article states that a third of teens take their first drink around the age of 13, which is alarming considering the damage alcohol can do to undeveloped bodies (Main, 2009). This source is very reliable, not only did it come from the Health Academic Center on the library database; it also cites all of the places the information within the article is taken from. This article will be very valuable towards my research; it contains important information and statistics about drinking laws and college’s point of views on the …show more content…
It has been found that increased decision-making and maturation of the brain takes place between the years of 18 and 24, which means the consumption of alcohol during this time can be detrimental to the brain. This article through in depth research showed how many changes are going on in an 18 year olds brain. The student was given an MRI at the beginning of their freshman fall semester and than again 6 months later, the change of the brain structure between the two MRI’s was very significant proving that the brain is still changing even into early adult hood. I think that this source will probably be the most valuable to my paper, it contains very many scientific studies on the structure of the brain, however it also contains very important information about the development and emotional changes of the brain before it has finished