Annie Philadelphia Paul And George Beato

Improved Essays
COMPARE/CONTRAST ESSAY Its seems that today younger generation students cannot focus when it comes to studying and the issue is caused by the invention of the internet. Like myself, many other students try to study but easily get distracted when they are on their computers. The writers Annie Murphy Paul and George Beato both discuss how multitasking and internet addiction can lead to the decline of not only their grades but it could also affect their health. Most notably, the writers differ since one talks about multitasking and the other talks about internet addiction and the effects they could have on the person, yet both is caused by similar reasons; the internet.
The first difference between the two articles is the topic they are writing about; while both discuss prevalent problems in our younger generations, each of the authors writes about different topics. Annie Murphy Paul writes in her article “The New Marshmallow Test”, the difficulties students have with multitasking. In her article, she writes about student’s inability to focus on one subject at once. She focuses on mainly media multitasking while learning. She stated, “when students multitask while doing schoolwork their learning is spottier and they tend to understand and remember less”. On the other hand, George Beato writes in his article “Internet Addiction”, what this is
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The writers point to the fact that using the Internet can relate to bad results for your academics and for your health. The things Annie Murphy Paul discussed is true while writing this essay I found myself looking at other websites getting easily distracted. Also, I believe internet addiction is a real problem. I have seen people get sick because all they did was waste their time and stay on the computer. The Internet is like a parasite that slowly kills you over

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