Jackson believed that America should have a democracy, meaning that the government should be …show more content…
The National Bank is a commercial bank that is chartered under the federal government and is a member of the Federal Reserve System. Andrew could not modify the bank charter because of the act that was in play. He believed that it was necessary to make the bank compatible with justice, with sound policy, or with the constitution of the country. Jackson stated in his bank veto message to congress, “The present Bank of the Unites States...enjoys an exclusive privilege of banking,...almost a monopoly of the foreign and domestic exchange.” Although the National Bank had an exclusive privilege of banking, other stocks are held mostly by the foreigners and the little bit that is left is held by a few hundred other wealthier citizens of America. There are twenty-five directors of the National Bank and of those twenty-five, five are chosen by the government and the other twenty are filled by the citizen stockholders. Jackson believed that the group in charge of the bank are not the best people to run the bank. He states, “It is easy to conceive that great evils to our country...might flow from such concentration of power in the hands of a few men irresponsible to the people.”³ Andrew believes that for selfish reasons, the “rich and powerful” often bend the acts of government to suit their needs. During Jackson’s presidency, a scandal broke out. …show more content…
Andrew Jackson recognized a problem with how the Indian tribes had been treated within each state. The people in the states were persuading and forcing the Indians to move from “river to river and from mountain to mountain”, and because of this some tribes had become extinct. When Jackson noticed the problem, he addressed the nation, “Humanity and national honor demand that every effort should be made to avert so great a calamity.” Jackson encouraged people to set apart a region of land west of the Mississippi River that is outside the limits of any state or territory that was formed at that point in time, and that, that land would be guaranteed to the Indian tribes as long as they remain holding the land and each tribe having control of the land given to them. This would be optional for the Indians because Jackson did not want to make the tribes abandon their homeland and look for home someplace else. The only exception that the Jackson said the Indians had to follow, was if they chose to stay where they are and not move, they must abide by the laws that are set in place by the states. The Indians did not want to leave, for they did not want to leave the land of their fathers and they said that they had done nothing to invade man’s rights, they have not robbed a man of his territory, they did not take any man’s