Andrew Carnegie was an american industrialist widely known for leading the expansion in the steel industry. He was born in the UK and moved to America with his parents at the age of thirteen.Once he arrived he started working as a bobbin boy. A year later Carnegie worked as a messenger for a telegraph company and was shortly promoted to telegraph operator. A couple years later he landed a job for the pennsylvania railroad as a superintendent. Andrew Carnegie’s path was set for a bright future when his boss revealed an offer of some stocks from adams express company. In the end Andrew Carnegie freely gave back to his community as well as treat his workers well which has earned him the title of “Captain of Industry”. Much like Andrew Carnegie there was a man by the name of Steve Jobs who was adopted by Paul and Clara Jobs who couldn’t have children of their own. Jobs was often singled out as a loner and often described as somewhat odd. Jobs was an extremely rebellious kid who found school much too easy. Eventually he was skipped two grades to solve the issue, which was successful and can be attributed to his teacher who found Jobs specific way of learning and turn it into something fun. A year later Steve was bullied by his classmates because they found him to be too weird and eventually his parents grabbed Steve and what little they had and moved …show more content…
They each started their life in the lower classes of life and understood what it felt like to have nothing or almost nothing at all. With this sort of experience they each supported cause that they believed in such as poverty, education, public structures, children and even donated to many research projects of chronic illness and disease.
Andrew Carnegie once said that a Surplus of wealth is a sacred trust which its possessor is bound to administer in his lifetime for the good of the community. Steve Jobs also said that being the richest man in the cemetery doesn't matter to him, because going to bed at night saying that he’s done something wonderful is the only thing matters to him.They each believed that giving back to your community is the best feeling that you could ever have because you know in your that you left this world a little better than when you arrived in it. The concept and morale compass that each of them held titles each of them a powerful and innovative “Captain of