This can be seen in lines 15-23 when she reflects back on her childhood. The most prominent memory of her home town, which was poverty stricken, is of Miss Lottie's marigolds. “Whenever the memory of those marigolds flashes across my mind, a strange sense of nostalgia comes with it… I recall that devastating moment when I was suddenly more woman than child, years ago in Miss Lottie's yard.” This is still relevant today because many people have moments where they realize they are more adult than child and typically an object or feeling represent that moment. The object or feeling could be anything from a pillow to a piece of furniture to guilt to a flower. Even if there is no object, many people still remember the moment they transitioned from child to an adult very clearly, even if they don't realized the moment happened until years later. The symbol the marigold represent is extremely important to finding the theme of the
This can be seen in lines 15-23 when she reflects back on her childhood. The most prominent memory of her home town, which was poverty stricken, is of Miss Lottie's marigolds. “Whenever the memory of those marigolds flashes across my mind, a strange sense of nostalgia comes with it… I recall that devastating moment when I was suddenly more woman than child, years ago in Miss Lottie's yard.” This is still relevant today because many people have moments where they realize they are more adult than child and typically an object or feeling represent that moment. The object or feeling could be anything from a pillow to a piece of furniture to guilt to a flower. Even if there is no object, many people still remember the moment they transitioned from child to an adult very clearly, even if they don't realized the moment happened until years later. The symbol the marigold represent is extremely important to finding the theme of the