Claude Clark was born November 11, 1915 in Rockingham, Georgia. In 1935 with the help of his high school principal he got into and attended the Penna school of industrial arts (Clark, used for paragraph). After he graduated, he started working …show more content…
It looks like it is a painting about a war or battle. Some of the things that give me this idea is the object that looks like a spear in the figures hand that he is about to throw and the way he is standing makes him look very powerful. It is hard to tell what the people on top of the hill are doing, but it looks like they are fighting with each other. It could also be portraying hunting and gathering; the figure in front is the one hunting and the figures in the back could be getting some kind of plant or grain. It also has a feeling of African art because there is a sense of pride and strength. The way the figure is standing and how he is bigger than everything else in the painting shows this. Nature is also big in this painting with the river cutting through the painting and the majority of the painting is open land where it seems like buffalo or bison could travel through anytime. It reminds me of the wood cut bathers throwing reeds by Kirchner that we looked at early in the semester. Ronald Penrose was born in London, England in 1900 and throughout his life he was known for being an art collector and for promoting modern artists (Blumberg, 2017. Used for paragraph). Around the 1920’s he became part of a surrealist group. It was also around this time that he started promoting other artists within the surrealist movement. After he moved back to Paris, he started a surrealist group there and started …show more content…
In Penrose’s painting it is a desert as the landscape that has no water going through it and no other signs of life or feeling anything survive in it. One big difference in the two paintings is the way the figures look. I mentioned before how the figure in The Veteran can be seen as muscular, but the figure can also be seen as something that is very weak, depleted of energy, and close to death. The figure in The Javelin on the other hand looks very strong and has a lot of energy. One figure looks like a tree with no muscles and other has very defined muscles. As I mentioned before they both give the sense of war or battle, but have different feelings about it. The figure in Clark’s painting has. The figure in Penrose’s painting has his face covered and does not have the bottom half of his body which makes me think that they did not want to go back to war. This difference is probably because the British had fought on their land and saw the damage that war can cause, not only physically but mentally as well. In America, they had never had a war on their land so they wanted to go fight to keep their country free from harm and it also has a sense of pride in the