I have a natural appreciation for muscle cars, classic automobiles, motorcycles et al. So you 'll have to indulge me while I quench my thirst with gasoline. My experience last week at the pump started the proverbial pistons firing in my head and I thought why not throw up the hood and look to see what makes this work. I 'm not an expert mechanic, but I know how the parts function and am not afraid to try a few things out.
I have noticed that whenever someone sticks their neck out to write about men or masculinity it will start a kerfufle of irrational perportions. It is a kin to if you 've ever been to an auto parts store. The attendants working the front desk inveriably have something to say about …show more content…
Looking down he said, "He doesn 't work here. Kind of drives me nuts sometimes, but..." "I heard that you oversized galoot!" Rich didn 't even respond "That 'll be $297.87." I paid rich while we could hear the back door close behind the old man and I was on my way. Masculinity and pieces about men are no different. Where do you fall on the scale? Are you young or old? Have you seen and experienced a lot versus a more limited exposure? Are you rugged and have toughed it out with the best of them or are you more sophisticated and prefer the refinements of life? It 's actually not so simple because there is no one box masculinity will fit in. I hear men joke frequently about not understanding women, but I 'm certain that women can all say that their man is a far more complicated creature full of nuances and complexities they don 't fully understand as well. And this travels beyond the "Men Are From Mars, Women Are From Venus," …show more content…
It 's just that I 've thrown up the hood and I 'm listening. I 'm looking around and seeing all that is packaged in there and without a desire to judge or justify, I think there is room for improvement. And I 'm not just speaking of Millennials here. I 'm talking about the Great Generation, the Baby Boomers, the Gen-Xers and Millennials. Men from the past to present day boys growing into future men cannot be said to be comprised merely of "slugs and snails and puppy dog tails." Sadly the new poetry of the modern age is dictated to us by social norms, taboos, marking schemes and pointless experimentation. Old men throw up their hands in disapproval while the young men blindly gulp down the modern world 's mother bird