It can be seen that certain status a tagged to certain school page 9 stated “rich, obstinate, conceited students of Duncan’s Academy.” Richard Carlston usually mock Andreide about her social and economic status of which she has no control over. Richard and Andreide we once good friends but due to circumstances that relationship change, as seen on page 11. Also, on page 316 Andy finally found out where her boyfriend lives. He lives in Lindale, which is an upscale community as stated on page 263 that it is an area solely inhabited by the very wealthy. She then said to herself she doesn’t know why she was surprised because his family was wealthy and it is expected for them to live in an area like this. …show more content…
Always. That’s who you are...” This quote suggests that there are persons who still hold on to the idea of classism and white superiority and because of this it shapes us mentally as Caribbean nationals, and as this mentality stems from the plantation society which had socially stratified individuals based on the skin colour and as a result of this you will find “whiter” up the social ladder and as for darker skin individuals they are the total