Michael explains this phenomenon by saying, “They know how to call a legislator, they know how to get angry with their insurance company, they know how to advocate.”. Towards the end of the article she uses a disturbing fact that hits close to home with the personal story given. Katharine discusses how Chris, a small town boy, was the “23rd overdose and third fatal one this year in Plaistow, a town of 8,000 people.” The second purpose of this article was trying to persuade people to take a hard look on the War on Drugs and how it is not only a growing problem for white people but for Americans in general. Since this article is also trying to persuade the reader or at least make them think about the heroin crisis, this article would be labeled as a persuasive article accordingly. The writer is able to use the personal stories of many small town families directly affected by the crisis. Katharine uses the story of Courtney Griffin throughout her article to illustrate this point. She talks about how the parents hid Courtney’s addiction out of fear she would go to prison for the rest of her life. She ultimately died of an overdose at just 20 years old. Katharine also quotes Jeb Bush when he opened up about his daughter, Noelle’s drug abuse saying, “I have some personal experience with this as a dad, and it is the most heartbreaking thing in the world to have to go through,”. To really drive down the point of persuading the reader that heroin users are sick and not criminal is using the testimonial of former undercover narcotics detective, Eric Adams. Eric explains how his experiences have shown him that people who use heroin “are people and they have a purpose in life and we can’t as law enforcement look at them any other way.”. The first pattern used in the article is that of narration of events. The article begins immediately with the story of Courtney Griffin’s death. As the article progresses we learn more and more details about the her story told through her parents. We learn that she not only dies but so does her boyfriend. They both die from the same thing, drug overdose. Courtney’s story doesn’t end with her death though because it continues with how her parents are actively …show more content…
The use of information and persuasive techniques make the purpose of this article both referential and persuasive. Katharine’s ability to make the reader not only informed on the facts but also sympathetic to the stories Courtney or Chris is highly effective. It is incredible how much the reader can not only learn from this article but also be inspired to further their understanding of such a complex and unfortunately common